


Our bodies are constantly challenged on a daily basis to maintain balance both physically & emotionally. All types of triggers can induce what is known as ‘stress’ which basically is our reaction to our changing environment.

While some amount of stress adds spice to life it becomes a problem when it is extreme or ongoing. All sorts of things can cause stress and each of us will respond differently. When the body can no longer adapt typical symptoms of stress manifest with symptoms such as fatigue, frequent colds or infections, high blood pressure, sugar craving, anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings & insomnia. Many chronic illnesses will have stress as part of the maintaining cause or trigger.

These symptoms manifest mainly due to the release of stress hormones in particular adrenaline which increases the heart beat and blood pressure and reducing digestion. Stored fats & sugars are released into the blood to supply the body with energy. Other hormones released are cortisone which suppresses the immune system.

Apart form the treatment regime recommended, it is important to identify your stressors and reduce them.


Over work

Emotional upset such as bereavement, separation, divorce, argument


Lack of sleep

Drugs- medication or recreational

Smoking & alcohol

Junk food- hydrogenated fats, sugar, coffee, tea

High Cholesterol

Pain or illness

New job or major change such as moving

Nutritional deficiencies

Hormonal Imbalance

Immune Weakness


There are many herbs that help sooth the nervous system and act as a tonic or help the body adapt.
I recommend you take a combination of a nerve tonic and adptogen to get a good action.

Ashwaganda (Withania somniferab)

  • An Ayurvedic herb that is an excellent adpatogen

  • Particularly good where excessive workload and fatigue are an issue

  • Also helps sooth anxiety and boost a low sex drive

Holy Basil (Ocinum sanctum)

  • A tonic herb that lowers stress levels and increases vitality

  • Reduces cortisol levels and so helps reduce blood pressure and sugar levels

Holy Basil (Ocinum sanctum)

  • A tonic herb that lowers stress levels and increases vitality

  • Reduces cortisol levels and so helps reduce blood pressure and sugar levels


  • A fantastic adaptogenic herb that reduces stress.

  • Increases vitality & enhances performance
  • Reduces anxiety & depression

Oats (Avena Sativa)

  • The number one nerve tonic & brain food

  • Reduces exhaustion, stress and worry

  • Excellent to take when overworked, studying or to recoup.

  • Effective when reducing or coming off stimulants.

Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthrococcus senticosus)

  • A well known adaptogen, it supports the adrenals and improves mental and physical performance.

  • Immune boosting

Essential Fatty Acid Capsules - Vital as building blocks for the repair and regeneration of cells.

B Complex - All the B vitamins are important for the nervous system.

Magnesium & Calcium - deficiency is common in stressed individuals. Take at a 1:2 ratio.

Detox Capsules - Detoxification is an important step to reduce stress & its effects on the body. See Detox.

Homeopathy is excellent to help reduce the symptoms of stress. Chronic stress should be treated by a practitioner and constitutional treatment is vital in this case and very effective. There are so many remedies and each individual will need individual treatment.

Ignatia/Nat Mur 6C: This combination is very effective for anyone going through a bereavement or loss.

Kali Phos 6C – As a tissue salt or in low potency Kali Phos is an excellent nerve tonic.

Nux Vomica- Good for individuals prone to anger bursts and road rage.

Top Tip: Deep breathing is an excellent way to instantly reduce stress (See Detox)

Top 10 Foods for Injuries

I suggest that you eat the following foods raw or lightly steamed:

1. Green Leafy Vegetables:
Magnesium is essential to the adrenal glands so including plenty of magnesium rich foods is beneficial. Spinach, Kale, Peas, Broccoli.

2. Nuts & Seeds:
Rich in essential fatty acids and magnesium. Choose from pumpkin, sesame, sunflower & walnuts.

3. Wholegrain cereals:
Again rich in magnesium & B vitamins. Quinola, broen rice, good quality bread (rye or wheat)

4. Berries:
High in vitamin C and highly alkaline so helps counteract acidity in the body and protect with antioxidants.

5. Eggs:
B group vitamins. Eaten no more than twice a week.

6. Tuna/Organic Salmon:
Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids

7. Yoghurt:
Rich in calcium

8. Alafalfa:
A highly nutrient and tonic food .

9. Tofu:
Rich in calcium & magnesium

Also see detox foods

TIP: Time for you. A regular massage or treatment will help the muscles and the body release stress.

Foods to avoid:

Sugar - Increases inflammation in the body and reduced the body’s ability to repair. It also depresses the immune system.

Alcohol - Irritates lining of the gut thereby compromising optimum absorption of nutrients. CNS depressant.

Excess Coffee & Tea- Stimulant drinks that encourage the body to produce adrenalin and reduce absorption of nutrients.

Refined carbohydrates- White bread, pasta & rice. Puts pressure on the pancreas.

Food stressors- Artificial sweeteners, flavourings, crisps , carbonated soft drinks, fast food, processed foods. For obvious reasons.